Cheng Man-Ching used I-Ching to interpret “yin and yang supplement
each other”
太極拳需分「一陰一陽」之謂道,守勢為第一。譬如「一陽一陰」便成為「天地否 」。「地天泰 」,能守方可言攻,現在要求進步,必須從守方面著手,等於「水火既濟 」。
Cheng Man-Ching used the Hexagram Pi (天地否
)the Hexagram Tai(地天泰
)and the Hexagram Ji Ji (水火既濟
), three guas in I-Ching, to lead learners into the realm of yin and yang
supplementing each other.
The Hexagram Pi「」: The yang (hot) air of the upper trigram (three yang
yaos) ascends, and the yin (cold) air of the lower trigram (three yin yaos)
descends. Therefore yang and yin will never meet, so they have no chance to
supplement each other.
The Hexagram Tai「」:The yin (cold) air of
the upper trigram (three yin yaos) descends,
and the yang (hot) air of the lower trigram (three yang yaos) ascends.
Therefore, yang and yin will meet, so they have a better chance to supplement
each other.
The Hexagram Ji Ji「」:The six yaos of alternating yin and yang of the upper
trigram and the lower trigram form Hexagram Ji Ji (既濟卦)。Yin and yang are
neighbors, never far from each other, so they are best positioned to supplement
each other, thus fire and water help each other (水火既濟) . To know how yin and yang supplement each other is one
of the best ways to learn to be familiar with jing (ting-jing), understand jing
(dong-jing), and approach all-knowing and unfathomable to others, and it is
also the best way to show how to “overcome hardness with softness.”
Cheng Man-Ching on Tai Chi Chuan Form and Pushing Hands
In Tai Chi Chuan, changes between yin and yang include
shifting between being still and moving (in the arms), empty and full (in the
legs), and supple and rigid (in the whole body), which Soong J. J. (Song
Zhi-Jian) called “the three aspects of yin and yang.” Be mindful of these
aspects in your form practice, and their wonders will show in your pushing
Offense is yang and defense is yin. Offense should not be
forceful; defense should allow the opponent to come close. Offense is to go
with the opponent’s move; defense is to be stable and relaxed. With a sharp
sense of where your and his momentum is (“listening”), you can detect and
dissolve his every move and then take control of him.
As an example, defense is to draw him in or neutralize
him. Offense is to upset and move his center, and then follow his inclination
as he loses his balance, guaranteeing your victory.
You must clearly recognize the opportune moment for
switching between empty and full, between moving and still, and between rigid
and supple.
A wise and hence strong player exploits the opponent’s
moves to defeat the opponent. By contrast, a foolish player, badly wanting to
win, uses preconceived postures regardless of the opponent’s moves. The desire
to beat the other party only leads to the opposite result.
Defense needs only to keep the body upright, relaxed, and
balanced to agilely dissolve attacks. [CMC was repeating] Offense budges the
opponent to upset his center, and then follows him as he further loses his
balance. Both defense and offense should be done naturally, never forcefully.
Then you can defeat your opponent.
The key to Tai Chi Chuan is found in timely switches
between yin and yang. Defense is of the utmost importance. Taking the offensive
will make it difficult for you to appreciate the real essence of “softness
defeats hardness,” which is attainable if you begin with supple defense.
Therefore, you must start with defense,
using suppleness to neutralize attacks; this approach will naturally help you
progress in your practice.
** Yang first leads to certain defeat; yin first assures
success.—I Jing
Man-Ching 's Tips on Tai Chi
There is Taiji when walking, standing, sitting or lying.
行如沙漠走駱駝。 行走時,如同駱駝依靠腳掌上之鬆柔肉墊,而能輕鬆靈活的行走於沙漠中。
Walk like a camel walking in the desert. A camel can walk easily and flexibly in the desert with the broad pad that
connects its two toes.
standing, differentiate the insubstantial and substantial of the feet.
When standing and acting, distinguish between stillness and movement in the hands, empty and solid in the legs, rigid and
flexible in the body, and we must be especially accustomed to using one-leg to
bear the whole weight of the body.
When sitting, face the world like you are Lord Maitreya Buddha. Lie like a
bow, bending to the right.
When sitting and lying down, the body is like Lord
Maitreya Buddha, and you will enjoy peace of mind. The heart is like a baby in the mother's womb,
carefree and at ease.
Cheng Man-Ching’s 12 Keywords for Tai Chi Chuan
若問余四十年之心得。卻只有十二字。曰。吞天之氣。接地之力。壽人以柔。 《太極拳自修新法 鄭曼青著》
If you ask what I have learned after 40 years of Tai
Chi Chuan practice, I can answer in 12 words (吞天之氣。接地之力。壽人以柔。): Swallow qi from heaven, receive energy from the ground,
and suppleness makes for longevity.
Master Cheng Man-Ching used I-Ching’s “heaven (天)”, “ground (地)”, and “people (人)” and the changes
between yin yao and yang yao to describe what he had learned after 40 years of
Tai Chi Chuan practice.
身體經過鬆柔技藝的訓練後,由腳底的湧泉、臀部的尾閭與會陰、腰部的命門、背部的夾脊、到頭部的玉枕、百會等等穴道氣的運行更順暢(moves smoothly)、筋、骨與關節更靈活(enjoy larger range of motion)、肌肉與皮膚感應更敏銳(sensitivity),身體將更能感應外在的變化,聽勁與走化的能力自然敏銳,是謂「吞天之氣」。
Utilize the body to sense external changes. (literal translation: Swallow qi from heaven.)
After supple Tai Chi training, a practitioner’s qi moves
more smoothly through acupuncture points throughout the body; tendons, bones,
and joints enjoy larger ranges of motion; and muscles and skin become more
sensitive. The practitioner becomes more sensitive to the changes outside his
body, enabling him or her to more quickly perceive incoming attacks and
neutralize them with more agility. Cheng Man-Ching named all this “swallow qi
from heaven.”
Utilize nature’s gravity, ground reaction force, and
inertia. (Receive energy from the ground.)
After supple Tai Chi training, a practitioner’s body can
more easily be adjusted to a position that best utilizes gravity, ground
reaction force, and inertia, enabling him or her to “overcome hardness with
softness.” Cheng Man-Ching named this “receive the force of the ground.”
Suppleness helps you live longer. (Suppleness makes
people live longer.)
After supple Tai Chi training, a practitioner’s blood and
qi can circulate without hindrance, his or her brain can think clearly, and his
or her body can be light and agile, enabling him or her to enjoy health and
longevity. Cheng Man-Ching named this “suppleness makes for longevity.”
Soong. J. J’s 12 Key Words for Tai Chi Chuan
When asked how to attain the state that Cheng Man-Ching
described in his 12-word (吞天之氣。接地之力。壽人以柔。Swallow qi from heaven, receive energy from the ground, and suppleness
makes for longevity), Soong JJ
answered in 12 words, too. (頂正頸鬆。足下有根。身正體鬆。 Head upright and neck
relaxed, There is root underfoot, Body upright and relaxed)
Keep head upright and neck relaxed to swallow qi from heaven.
There is root underfoot to receive energy from the ground.
Body remains upright and relaxed, and then suppleness
makes for longevity.
Head upright and neck relaxed: Keeping the head upright
and the neck relaxed is key to swallow qi from heaven.
There is root underfoot: The strength of the legs is the
foundation of being able to receive energy from the ground.
Body upright and relaxed: The whole body must be upright and relaxed, and
then suppleness makes for longevity.
Relax, body upright, weight on one leg, and move as a
coordinated whole
In his concise saying, Master Tao
encapsulates the essence of TCC in ten Chinese characters: 放鬆,擺正,一條腿,一起動 (literally, relax, body upright, weight on
one leg, and move as a coordinated whole).
Relaxing, keeping the body upright, putting
your weight on one leg are three important elements of good TCC. It would be
easier to do the one without paying heed to the other two, but in good TCC, it
is essential to do all three well at the same time and in a coordinated way.
For example, in pushing hands, you are relaxed, upright, single weighted, and
still you have spare energy to observe your opponent’s movements and intention
and you are still able to nullify his attacks and control his center.
「No Burn, No Earn」
羅邦禎大師最著名的訓練法,是以站樁的方式來修正習者的拳架動作與要領,羅大師的名言:「No Burn, No Earn」就是從苦練裡獲得進步。習者一邊站架子,一邊審視自己的太極拳要領,大師不斷的重覆:「身體不要傾斜,虛腳不能有重量。」並不斷地要學員記住大師的名字叫「Bend Low」(蹲低)此乃「Ben Lo」的諧音,這是鍛鍊腿力的訓練法,尤其是增強股四頭肌的肌耐力,是身體保持輕靈與平衡的最佳途徑之一。
Master Lo's famous saying "No Burn, No Earn"
The famous saying means if you can endure bitterness you
will get the reward. In other words, only after the quadriceps have
sufficiently borne the weight of your own body will they be able to grow in
strength sufficient to support you and reward you with improved balance, which,
by the way, is also the reward that post standing (站樁) offers to its practitioners.