About National Tai Chi Chuan Association
本會成立於民國四十五年十月,原名為「中美經濟文化協會太極拳委員會」。由立法委員韓振聲任主任委員。 五十五年十一月五日假台北市中正路九五○巷六二弄二號五樓,正名為「中國太極拳學術研究會」,由韓振聲委員當選為理事長。連任四屆。
民國七十六年三月二十二日至七十九年三月二十九日由王延年先生擔任第五屆理事長。 民國七十九年三月廿九日至八十二年十二月一日楊玉振先生當選第六屆理事長。 八十二年一月一日,「中華民國太極拳協會」為了配合「中華民國體育協進會」更名為「中華民國體育運動總會」報經內政部核准,本會改名為「中華民國太極拳總會」。以迄於今,第七屆與第八屆由張肇平先生擔任理事長,第九屆與第十屆由詹德勝先生當選為理事長,第十一屆與第十二屆由黃裕盛先生當選為理事長,第十三屆由陳清宮先生當選為理事長,第十四屆由葉文寬先生當選為理事長。
The Association was established in October 1955, formerly known as the "Sino-American Economic and Cultural Association Tai Chi Chuan Committee". It was chaired by Legislator Han Zhensheng. On November 5, 1966, it was officially named "China Tai Chi Chuan Academic Research Association." The address of the office was No. 2, Lane 62, Lane 950, Zhongzheng Road, Taipei City, and Han Zhensheng was elected as the chairman for four consecutive terms.
On December 24, 1975, the "China Tai Chi Chuan Academic Committee" joined the "Republic of China Sports Association" as a member of the individual sports team, and was registered in the Ministry of the Interior with the name changed to "Republic of China Tai Chi Chuan Association" and General Shi Jue was elected as the chairman for four consecutive terms.
From March 22, 1987 to March 29, 1990, Mr. Wang Yannian served as the fifth chairman. From March 29, 1990 to December 1, 1993, Mr. Yang Yuzhen was elected as the sixth chairman. On January 1, 1993, the "Republic of China Tai Chi Chuan Association" changed its name to "Republic of China National Tai Chi Chuan Association" and was registered in the Ministry of the Interior. So far, Mr. Zhang Zhaoping was elected as the chairman of the seventh and eighth sessions, Mr. Zhan Desheng was elected as the chairman of the ninth and tenth sessions, and Mr. Huang Yusheng was elected as the chairman of the eleventh and twelfth sessions. In the thirteenth session, Mr. Chen Qinggong was elected as the chairman, and in the fourteenth session, Mr. Ye Wenkuan was elected as the chairman.